We headed to North Carolina friday night to surprise some old friends of ours. They recently found out they are pregnant & therefore were planning to move this past weekend. Good thing we did, because only two other people who had offered their help showed. That was so frustrating. What happened to people owning up to their word? That "grinds my gears". It use to be that a man gave his word with a handshake. Now, a man's word often doesn't mean anything at all. Doesn't it bother anyone? Does it not bother us that in today's society, honesty means nothing?
On the positive end of things... my wonderful husband IS a man of his word. I love him so much. He made me so proud the way he stepped in & took initiative. What wonderful ideas (& MUSCLES!) he has! It was so good to watch him from a distance. It reminded me to honor him. & at the end of each day, we had great,much needed time with our sweet, long time friends. It was so refreshing to have fellowship with believers who are also dear friends.
The ride home was great, as well. There was such a sweet spirit & bond between us. We had such a nice time talking & laughing together. Yes, I said it... my husband & I talk... & LAUGH together. We ACTUALLY like each other. I know, weird isn't it? :) I really felt like we got over a wall, conversationally, that has been building up for a while. We talked about some really important things & made some really productive conclusions.
& before we went to bed last night, we prayed together. I love praying to my Lord & Savior with the wonderful companion that He provided me with. I use to believe that marriage was all coincidence & that you just end up with THE someone that you really believe you can make it work with. But. it seems like I am constantly being amazed at just how perfect we are for each other. Maybe God does make someone for everyone? I don't know, because I am not God. What I do know is that my husband was,is, & always will be the one & only for me.
I love my life.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Candle Holder
Painting coffee mugs=epic fail
I was so bummed. I apparently need to really practice painting on different circular things... like basketballs, bowls, grapes or anything sphere for that matter. I really did not have the heart to give her coffee mugs that resembled a kindergarten arts & crafts project. I decided just to throw them in as a "hey, here's some cute coffee mugs" gift. So they were cute little white coffee mugs, which would actually make perfect espresso cups.
I did end up painting her something, though. Joy said she liked candles, so I dug up something special I've been just dying to get my hands on. The hubby found in a while back in the trash. It had this perfect little circle in the middle of this intricate design. To me, it just screamed, "candle holder"... & I think it turned out quite beautifully. I also had my first staining experiment with it, which was so much fun! It is nice to do something different every now & then. After the stain was dry, I got to painting.
It has been too long. I always forgot how much I enjoy painting. I need more orders. Cough cough.

Walnut. Mahogany stain. Acrylic paints. Gift.
So I just have to add.
Yesterday I went to Joy's to give her Marge's things. I was planning on just giving the plain mugs as a gift. BUT. Joy, being the little creative sewer that she is, thought we could make them into PIN CUSHIONS. How friggin' cute. We stuffed them with wool, cut fabric & then glued the fabric over top of the wool onto the rim. SO cute. I wish I had my camera with me because I want to show you so badly! I have a feeling that I will be attempting this again in the near future, & will definitely take pictures then!
I was so bummed. I apparently need to really practice painting on different circular things... like basketballs, bowls, grapes or anything sphere for that matter. I really did not have the heart to give her coffee mugs that resembled a kindergarten arts & crafts project. I decided just to throw them in as a "hey, here's some cute coffee mugs" gift. So they were cute little white coffee mugs, which would actually make perfect espresso cups.
I did end up painting her something, though. Joy said she liked candles, so I dug up something special I've been just dying to get my hands on. The hubby found in a while back in the trash. It had this perfect little circle in the middle of this intricate design. To me, it just screamed, "candle holder"... & I think it turned out quite beautifully. I also had my first staining experiment with it, which was so much fun! It is nice to do something different every now & then. After the stain was dry, I got to painting.
It has been too long. I always forgot how much I enjoy painting. I need more orders. Cough cough.
Walnut. Mahogany stain. Acrylic paints. Gift.
So I just have to add.
Yesterday I went to Joy's to give her Marge's things. I was planning on just giving the plain mugs as a gift. BUT. Joy, being the little creative sewer that she is, thought we could make them into PIN CUSHIONS. How friggin' cute. We stuffed them with wool, cut fabric & then glued the fabric over top of the wool onto the rim. SO cute. I wish I had my camera with me because I want to show you so badly! I have a feeling that I will be attempting this again in the near future, & will definitely take pictures then!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Things have been pretty crazy lately. I have not been doing much painting lately, but that will actually be changing... today. Marge's sister-in-law has asked me to paint some coffee mugs that will match her coffee sign as a surprise belated birthday present. How special! The other day I took my sweet sister, Sara, with me to explore the ever-so classy Goodwill. I found the most adorable little mug set! I can not wait to show you the before & after pictures!
On a personal note, I recently ended a very serious long-term relationship. My health has been jeopardized & harmed, so I decided to put an end to it.
I broke up with red meat.
& I am loving this. Who knew cooking could be so fun & adventurous? I'm not doing any of that soy nonsense (sorry for any 'soy-ers' out there). Just eating more fruits & veggies. If we do eat meat, it is chicken. I have to tell ya, the kitchen life of a vegetarian is very appetizing. I could get use to this whole easy clean up deal. I thought the hardest part would be getting my meat & potatoes husband to back me up, but he has been such great support! This past weekend, I made black bean burgers & he gobbled them up! They were so fun & easy!... & quite delicious, if I may say so myself.

I am so excited to try out more delicious things like this, & to invest in my future by changing my lifestyle. I know that I can't take care of my family if I don't take care of myself first.
Thanks for reading! Hopefully I will be posting some neat-o pictures tomorrow!
On a personal note, I recently ended a very serious long-term relationship. My health has been jeopardized & harmed, so I decided to put an end to it.
I broke up with red meat.
& I am loving this. Who knew cooking could be so fun & adventurous? I'm not doing any of that soy nonsense (sorry for any 'soy-ers' out there). Just eating more fruits & veggies. If we do eat meat, it is chicken. I have to tell ya, the kitchen life of a vegetarian is very appetizing. I could get use to this whole easy clean up deal. I thought the hardest part would be getting my meat & potatoes husband to back me up, but he has been such great support! This past weekend, I made black bean burgers & he gobbled them up! They were so fun & easy!... & quite delicious, if I may say so myself.
I am so excited to try out more delicious things like this, & to invest in my future by changing my lifestyle. I know that I can't take care of my family if I don't take care of myself first.
Thanks for reading! Hopefully I will be posting some neat-o pictures tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Simply Positive
I don't have any excited art to show you today. So sorry, dear friends. But, I have been thinking a lot so I have some things to share.. if you want to know.
I love to laugh. & I miss laughing. This weekend I went to Pennsylvania with my husband's family to visit his brother-in-law's family. I haven't laughed as hard as I did this weekend in a LONG time. We all rode together in a 15 passenger van. Yes. & in case you were wondering, that IS the formula for laughter. The trip was filled with lots of music, conversation & positivity. I loved it. I needed it. On the 4th, we went to watch my sister-in-law & her husband lead worship in a barn.
Yes, that's right. I said a barn. It was SO amazing. Everywhere you looked, you saw corn. & just as the sun was setting all the fire flies in the whole entire world (or so it seemed) gave us a natural fire works show. After the sweet time of music was over, they had square dancing. Again, believe it... because it really happened.
All of this, just to say... I miss simplicity. I had such a good time this weekend & it was all linked to such simple moments.
Walking with my husband next to a field of corn & watching the fire flies.
Square dancing with a ton of people I don't know.
Jumping on a trampoline until I was so sweaty I could have been swimming.
Smelling sweaty, like a fourth grader again.
Eating the biggest, juiciest piece of watermelon you can find & not caring if it gets on your clothes.
Walking barefoot.
Singing "Shout to the Lord" & meaning it.
Drinking root beer.
Petting a (man eating sized) dog.
But, you know what? It has nothing to do with what I was doing or where I was or who I was with. It's just me. My mindset has great power over my life because I have the capability to make to choice to be positive. This weekend has taught me so much about life & love. I want to live a life that is simply positive. I am so tired of over complicating things. I know that it can't just happen over night, but the choice has been made. The change starts now.
I love to laugh. & I miss laughing. This weekend I went to Pennsylvania with my husband's family to visit his brother-in-law's family. I haven't laughed as hard as I did this weekend in a LONG time. We all rode together in a 15 passenger van. Yes. & in case you were wondering, that IS the formula for laughter. The trip was filled with lots of music, conversation & positivity. I loved it. I needed it. On the 4th, we went to watch my sister-in-law & her husband lead worship in a barn.
Yes, that's right. I said a barn. It was SO amazing. Everywhere you looked, you saw corn. & just as the sun was setting all the fire flies in the whole entire world (or so it seemed) gave us a natural fire works show. After the sweet time of music was over, they had square dancing. Again, believe it... because it really happened.
All of this, just to say... I miss simplicity. I had such a good time this weekend & it was all linked to such simple moments.
Walking with my husband next to a field of corn & watching the fire flies.
Square dancing with a ton of people I don't know.
Jumping on a trampoline until I was so sweaty I could have been swimming.
Smelling sweaty, like a fourth grader again.
Eating the biggest, juiciest piece of watermelon you can find & not caring if it gets on your clothes.
Walking barefoot.
Singing "Shout to the Lord" & meaning it.
Drinking root beer.
Petting a (man eating sized) dog.
But, you know what? It has nothing to do with what I was doing or where I was or who I was with. It's just me. My mindset has great power over my life because I have the capability to make to choice to be positive. This weekend has taught me so much about life & love. I want to live a life that is simply positive. I am so tired of over complicating things. I know that it can't just happen over night, but the choice has been made. The change starts now.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Orchids for Larissa
Today I put the final touches on Larissa's mahogany jewelry set. My husband stained these two lovely pieces of mahogany & I couldn't wait to put some art on them!
...Have I ever mentioned how good he is to me?
Larissa likes to make necklaces, so she quickly snatched up my offer a while back. I was excited to paint for her, but I had NO idea where to go with it. I couldn't figure out how to paint on stained mahogany without ruining it entirely. I asked Larissa what she was thinking. Name? Design? Not only did she want her name & a design SHE SENT ME A PICTURE. I love her for that.
Larissa was in the process of redoing her room. She said it was a mix between Victorian & Oriental (tasty). She sent me a sweet little picture of some white oriental orchids she liked. I was thankful for the picture, yet at the same time, horrified.
I have never painted flowers. I've tried before. Tried is the key word. I usually fail miserably. So, Larissa, here's to you. You gave me a challenge & have inspired me to keep trying for things that intimidate me. Thank you. I hope you love love love it.
I wanted to post a picture of the set before Dennis put the hooks on it for her necklaces & bracelets.

Mahogany. Red Mahogany Stain. Acrylic paints. Sold.
...Have I ever mentioned how good he is to me?
Larissa likes to make necklaces, so she quickly snatched up my offer a while back. I was excited to paint for her, but I had NO idea where to go with it. I couldn't figure out how to paint on stained mahogany without ruining it entirely. I asked Larissa what she was thinking. Name? Design? Not only did she want her name & a design SHE SENT ME A PICTURE. I love her for that.
Larissa was in the process of redoing her room. She said it was a mix between Victorian & Oriental (tasty). She sent me a sweet little picture of some white oriental orchids she liked. I was thankful for the picture, yet at the same time, horrified.
I have never painted flowers. I've tried before. Tried is the key word. I usually fail miserably. So, Larissa, here's to you. You gave me a challenge & have inspired me to keep trying for things that intimidate me. Thank you. I hope you love love love it.
I wanted to post a picture of the set before Dennis put the hooks on it for her necklaces & bracelets.
Mahogany. Red Mahogany Stain. Acrylic paints. Sold.
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