...Have I ever mentioned how good he is to me?
Larissa likes to make necklaces, so she quickly snatched up my offer a while back. I was excited to paint for her, but I had NO idea where to go with it. I couldn't figure out how to paint on stained mahogany without ruining it entirely. I asked Larissa what she was thinking. Name? Design? Not only did she want her name & a design SHE SENT ME A PICTURE. I love her for that.
Larissa was in the process of redoing her room. She said it was a mix between Victorian & Oriental (tasty). She sent me a sweet little picture of some white oriental orchids she liked. I was thankful for the picture, yet at the same time, horrified.
I have never painted flowers. I've tried before. Tried is the key word. I usually fail miserably. So, Larissa, here's to you. You gave me a challenge & have inspired me to keep trying for things that intimidate me. Thank you. I hope you love love love it.
I wanted to post a picture of the set before Dennis put the hooks on it for her necklaces & bracelets.
Mahogany. Red Mahogany Stain. Acrylic paints. Sold.
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