I was so bummed. I apparently need to really practice painting on different circular things... like basketballs, bowls, grapes or anything sphere for that matter. I really did not have the heart to give her coffee mugs that resembled a kindergarten arts & crafts project. I decided just to throw them in as a "hey, here's some cute coffee mugs" gift. So they were cute little white coffee mugs, which would actually make perfect espresso cups.
I did end up painting her something, though. Joy said she liked candles, so I dug up something special I've been just dying to get my hands on. The hubby found in a while back in the trash. It had this perfect little circle in the middle of this intricate design. To me, it just screamed, "candle holder"... & I think it turned out quite beautifully. I also had my first staining experiment with it, which was so much fun! It is nice to do something different every now & then. After the stain was dry, I got to painting.
It has been too long. I always forgot how much I enjoy painting. I need more orders. Cough cough.
Walnut. Mahogany stain. Acrylic paints. Gift.
So I just have to add.
Yesterday I went to Joy's to give her Marge's things. I was planning on just giving the plain mugs as a gift. BUT. Joy, being the little creative sewer that she is, thought we could make them into PIN CUSHIONS. How friggin' cute. We stuffed them with wool, cut fabric & then glued the fabric over top of the wool onto the rim. SO cute. I wish I had my camera with me because I want to show you so badly! I have a feeling that I will be attempting this again in the near future, & will definitely take pictures then!
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