I knew Joy could help me because, well, she's like my saving grace! Not only did she come up with some awesome ideas(... YES, plural.. because she just kept making more & more! Have I mentioned that she is my saving grace?) but she also *drum roll please* TAUGHT me how to use the sewing machine.
I don't know that you genuinely understand the seriousness of this issue.
It was like watching Chuck Norris bake a cake.
Anyway. So, I got the wonderful privilege of making a receiving blanket with two matching burp cloths. Joy, in all of her angelic kindness however, made: a sock monkey, a cell phone holder, a teething rag doll, & an infants ball.
So. Here are the pictures
& if you're interested in Joy's handmade work, please visit her etsy The Goose Beary Shop for more goodies & order something from this wonderful momma! (Sorry, Joy, I don't know how to link your pages, or I would have.)
I had so much fun helping you with this and watching you gain confidence on the sewing machine! You will be making all kinds of things before you know it!