Marge's painting turned out just as amazing as I had expected. It is so rich & ...INVITING. It makes me want to sit down & have a cup of coffee RIGHT NOW. Marge told me she wanted a coffee sign for her kitchen. The colors she gave me to work with were brown, yellow & red (so cute!). That was it. She just let me roll with it! How fun is that?! I got to just... PAINT. It was so freeing & exhilarating, knowing I could do whatever I wanted. I hope she loves it as much as I do... otherwise, I may just buy it back from her. :)
Yellow Pine. Latex & Acrylic paints. Sold.
I also had a lot of fun experimenting with this project. After a great deal of frustration, I finally gave in.... & I bought a paint pen. I never wanted to use one before, because I kind of felt like I was cheating. So, I had just been using really skinny paint brushes... & carpel tunnel is real fun & everything, but I was just done. I went to Michael's & finally bought one.
It was such a breeze to do my main lettering with a PEN! Who would of thought! Er, Duh? It made editing an exciting process instead of aggravating.
I also did a little other experimenting recently. Thought I'd give you a glimpse.
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