I am so sorry. Thank you for not giving up on me!
Okay. So, before you read on.... find a way to listen to the band "Brown Bird"... I am serious. Don't read without doing it.. you'll miss the mood.
"I am a child without you near
my strongest love reduced to fear
for when you're gone
I'm a severed soul..."
Life is so full right now. I know God is at work in my life-everywhere I look. Inside of me & around me. I am feeling so overwhelmed- in a good way? I have never been so happy to be confronted with myself. I feel like lately I look in the mirror & see the need for change & I like it. I guess what I am trying to say... God is replacing my contentment with desire. He is reviving my heart for friendship & comradery. I didn't know my husband and I could be more in love... but I am falling more & more in love with him every day. I constantly find myself thinking, "we are having such a good day together" but the next day is even better. Sometimes I am amazed at the faithfulness of God... even in the little things. When I seek Him, I find Him... in everything. I am so excited to see where He is leading & how He will provide for my life.
On a "business" note. Things have been slow. I currently have about 4 or 5 gifts that I am working on. Each one will be a seperate blog, once I actually give them (don't want to spoil the surprise). Recently, a couple from the church I grew up attending contacted me. There has been a member of the church who has stepped in as the choir director until they found someone else to permanently fill the position. She did this for 3 years. Now, THAT is dedicated service. Not to mention, she was my dentist as a child :) It's a small world after all, isn't it? Any how, the couple asked me to make her an "award" with the church colors- navy, yellow, & white. It was to read, "World's Best Interim Choir Director" & have some musical-ness to it.
What do you think?
Acryic & latex paints. Sold.